The fact is most of us suffer from the MMI Syndrome, me, myself and I. As we grow into the likeness of Christ one of the first things we learn is how bad this syndrome can be.
There are advertisements on TV and radio that feed this self addiction yet they never tell the consequences involved. There are lawyers who promise settlements large enough to retire yet the person being sued is devastated for life. There are alterations to looks that promise to make beauty queens out of even the oldest person but they don’t tell you the results are temporary. There are instant credit services that loan more money to people so far in debt they cannot catch up. They make the fine print so small that people can’t see the interest rate is more than a hundred percent.
MMI Syndrome comes with a price, depending on the seriousness of the addiction.
In addition to being rich or having a fantastic body there are people so addicted that if they are not the center of attention with everybody in all situations they will become depressed and in some cases withdraw from society. People will reach out trying to encourage this person which gives only an inch when they feel they need a mile. These MMI addictions require more and more in order to get a fix. Over a period of time the attention that is craved the most is gone. People cannot meet the growing demands of one who is a narcissist spirit or addicted to himself. No amount of money, good looks or fame can fill the Christ shaped void in a person’s life. Only Christ can fill it.
Jesus knew exactly what He was doing when He told His disciples to follow Him and remain focused. The greatest love is that which Jesus gives. Jesus gives and He requires nothing except to accept His love. The greatest excitement and fulfillment the disciples received was when they were spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and numerous people were saved. The greatest healing for our MMI Syndrome is to accept the genuine love of Christ and start giving it out to others. When our Christ shaped void is filled by Christ then even the smallest acknowledgement from another human becomes a bonus and not a requirement to have peace.
Matthew 16:24
Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow Me.”
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