People invest for entire lifetimes in banks, stocks, bonds and land hoping for a large return. With the interest paid on the right type investments a person can live comfortably for a lifetime. Many times there will be enough to pass along to children for them to enjoy.
What about investments that started out good then folded? People lose even the amount of money they originally invested. They are left with nothing.
There are spiritual investments. When we love God and put Him first in our lives the choicest possession is wisdom. God values wisdom as greater than gold. God asked Solomon what he would like from Him. Solomon asked for wisdom and God gave him both wisdom and material things. There is no greater love than Jesus Christ and no greater possession than wisdom. To seek God first is to love and to obey God is wise.
Proverbs 3:13-14
Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold.
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