There are some things we just know. When things either suddenly or gradually get quiet we know something is up.
There is a toddler who is always bubbling with energy and exploring everything. An hour passes and not one sound comes from him. Something is up, usually something that does not need to be. We look around to the next room and there he is with all his crayons spilled out on the floor and a childlike masterpiece is colored all over the wall. We didn’t have to see it in advance to know he was doing something he should not have been. Silence beforehand told the whole story.
There is a coworker who always has lunch with us. One day she has an appointment which is no big concern. Day after day goes by and no more lunch breaks together. She becomes silent and barely speaks. Something is up, we feel it in our spirit. She didn’t say anything at all. Then one day she is seen having lunch with the very people she spoke harshly about and is heard speaking harshly about us. The warning signs of silence were there.
There is a dating couple that has dated for years with many promises. Gradually the calls that take place every day become twice a week. The conversations are still great but the times of silence throws up a warning sign that things are cooling. More time passes by between dates and as activities are planned there is an attitude like she would rather be doing other things. The words are there but the attitude and actions are quite the opposite. The warning signs of silence are there. Later a friend sees her at a movie with someone else.
The sound of silence is the biggest tattle tale.
Luke 12:2-3 tells us it will become as evident as yeast in dough. Whatever they have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be broadcast from the housetops for all to hear!
There is one more sound of silence. The silence of God is when we wait and wait for comfort, direction, peace or situations to be worked out and all we hear is nothing. God is working. There is a deep knowledge that God is up to something. It’s something to be excited about and it will be revealed when He is ready.
Romans 12:12
Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always.
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