Occasionally someone will just have it in for us. We can do no right no matter how hard we try. There will be statements made that suggest we will never accomplish as long as they are our boss. Other times silence says it all. Friends are told they are doing a great job while nothing is said to us. Huddles take place around to whisper about, guess who? Yes, us. We have done nothing to this person or these people.
There have never been any confrontations and greetings are always polite, yet our very gut feeling crawls all over us letting us know they just don’t like us. A statement that is to never be made to one who dislikes us is, we sense something is wrong. That will open a can of worms that can never be healed. It brings all their feelings to the surface that they thought were hidden. They will either retort or ignore. Nobody who wrongs us wants to be confronted. A five word question toward them, “are you mad at me?” will lead to a quick reply saying “nothing” then a serious silent treatment follows. If this person is one we work with or a boss it’s hard to continue to function day to day. We can only turn this situation over to God and allow Him to intervene.
It’s important to remember that God never judges us on the rejections we get but how we treat these people in return. Do we pray for these people? Do we offer to help out where needed knowing it does not matter? Are our greetings and words to these people polite?
God will handle these people in His timing and His way. Many times these people will get a transfer, promotion or leave. It could be the other way around. Someone may notice us and offer a job to us where we will be more appreciated. The same is true for some career politicians who leave their voters in serious binds while helping people out of their district. God has ways of removing these people from office and allowing another to take his/her place.
With God, we do not have to witness a vengeance to these people to know things will be handled. The thing to look for is God’s mercy and grace toward us. The more we grant mercy, understanding and prayer to those who hurt us the more mercy and acceptance we can expect from God. God is notorious for showing us favor in the midst of mistreatment. When we seek the face of God He is sure to show Himself to us in ways we do not expect. Call on His name, Jesus Christ, and He will protect us.
James 2:13 New Living Translation (NLT)
There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when He judges you.
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