A soldier is trained for battle. He has gone through basic training and harsh treatment from the higher ups. He has endured long nights and intense physical exhaustion. He watches while his friends get assigned to front line duties, air patrol, rescue missions or other critical duties. When he gets his assignment he gets assignedRead More
Archives for February 2020
Painful Deceitfulness
When we are wronged it causes distrust of that person or persons. Whether it be that we are set up to fail or rudely denied an earned privilege it is wrong. Our emotions run wild and it’s hard to get a grip on the reality of what just took place. There is one wrong thatRead More
There are things in life that do not go as we expect. We put an unconscious checkmark on our mind and move on with other things in life. A second thing works out differently than we plan. Even though we keep going in life checkmark number two is placed on our mind. The minor thingsRead More
We learn early in life the scientific fact that action causes reaction. When we toss a rock into the air the result will be the rock falling back down to earth. A golfer will putt a ball into the hole but if the action isn’t the proper speed and angle the reaction will be aRead More
God’s Presence In All Things
God is the Most High. He sits on the throne of heaven and knows all things. When we think of God in all His majesty and glory it’s difficult to realize that one day we will be with Him. A day is coming when we will face Him and bow to Him. Jesus will liveRead More
Growing Pains
It’s a battle when things are always changing. The people we grew up with have all moved away. The home where we were raised belongs to someone new. The teachers and advisors have all grown old and moved on to heaven. God is continually sending new people and experiences into our lives in order toRead More
From Being Lonely To Being Alone
Why is it that sad news makes us feel so all alone? We learn someone we know is walking through an illness or rough time. A phone call comes to us with unexpected lab results. Someone we care for deeply betrays us. Usually the first reaction to such news is to withdraw in order forRead More
The Birth Of A Blessing
Many times the greatest blessings come after the most difficult times. God is continually refining us like gold and He will allow us to see developments along the way. These glimpses from heaven are worth every moment of adversity. God is chipping away at all the things in our lives that do not fit whoRead More
Pride Goes Before Destruction
Pride will get us in trouble no matter the situation. It is an evil thing that comes straight from the devil. Pride comes in so many forms it’s impossible to name all of them. There are examples of obvious pride accompanied by a narcissist attitude boasting their way to the top position of aRead More
Prosperity Of Evil Doers
Have you ever wondered why evil people get by with evil doings? Most people have wondered the same thing. These people go on about their evil deeds making things difficult for you. You pray and seek God’s will yet the fiery darts continue to hit where it does the most damage. The spiritual answer isRead More